John and John Academy
John and John Academy is a small independent school, where students and teachers learn from one another and work closely with one another.
We offer plenty of opportunities beyond lectures and textbooks to get the experience you need to succeed , challenge and prepare students for success in school and beyond with inquiry, curiosity and wonder.
We are aiming to work with children to make them go from the bottom of the ladder, step by step, to the top, mastering English as a foreign language
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Both Johns believe strongly that language is to be used in practice and that students should have the ability to speak English as well as read and write. To this end they place a great deal of emphasis on the spoken word in class, probably more than any other teachers in Banyoles.
As a private teachers the Johns work in small groups of between three and six for children and four to ten for adults. This way they can give individualised teaching and address themselves to the needs of the individual rather than in a big language school where the individual has to follow the needs of the school. Both Johns teach grammar in their own way and with more than fifty years combined experience have a system of explaining a practical grammar to the Catalan student that gives the student guidelines for both written and spoken English. But they believe that the real test of the language is spoken and that most of the practice in class will be oral.